
Planning aids: The Way to an effective project.

KÖSTER BAUCHEMIE AG offers numerous waterproofing systems. Below you will find specifications for the most imporant applications in PDF format:



W - Waterproofing

Crystallizing Waterproofing KÖSTER NB 1 Grey

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W - Waterproofing

Multi purpose liquid waterproofing KÖSTER 21

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W - Waterproofing

Below ground structures waterproofing with self-adhesive membrane KÖSTER KSK SY 15

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W - Waterproofing

Below ground structures waterproofing with self-adhesive membrane KÖSTER KSK ALU 15

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W - Waterproofing

Below ground structures waterproofing with bitumen thick film sealant KÖSTER Deuxan 2C

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CT - Coatings

Moisture vapor control system for concrete slabs with KÖSTER VAP 2000

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IN - Injection Systems

Crack and joint repair with polyurethane injection resins / foams KÖSTER IN

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R - Roofing Membranes

TPO Roofing Membranes

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R - Roofing Membranes

KÖSTER TPO 1.5 mm single-ply roofing membranes for loose laid, mechanically fastened or adhered application

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Albania Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Brasil Bulgaria China Colombia Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Finland Germany Ghana Greece Hungary Iraq Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Macedonia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Panama Poland Portugal Romania Russia Senegal Serbia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States of America